Plan, organize, and run crowd-pleasing commencement ceremonies

Tassel Turner is an all-in-one online platform enabling you to take control of the graduation experience and celebrate the most important stage in a student’s journey with a solution fit for any university big or small.

A Better Graduation With Something for Everyone

Every graduation is unique to individual universities but they all share the goal of providing the best possible experience for students, guest, faculty, and staff.

Recognize every graduate's individual achievements

So many considerations go into creating an outstanding graduation worthy of your institution's name that it can be hard to pull everything together when a student's moment comes.

With the support of Tassel Turner you can personalize the entire graduation from registration, communications, memorabilia, tickets, seating, and the stage crossing ceremony where their name is read acurrately along with hooding, jumbotron streams or any other live operations your team performs.

Make it easy for friends and family to join the celebration

Whether they're local or from out-of-town, arriving together or separately, a digital native or technophobe, invited by a student or a friend of the university, Tassel Turner is designed to make it completely painless to RSVP, obtain tickets, find the venue, and navigate the ceremony.

Every student should be able to have their loved ones join the celebrations on their big day. Maximize visitor attendance using a variety of tools to automatically process student ticket requests while still ensuring a fair and even distribution of guest tickets.

Enable staff to move fast and get things done

We know that your staff organizers are the real heroes behind a successful commencement and have developed a platform that supports proven workflows while addressing all of the most common graduation management time sinks and paina points.

Your team can be up and running in a matter of minutes with a friendly integrated system allowing them to easily scale graduation events to tens of thousands of students and guests.

A Complete Graduation Management System

Let us help you discover all the ways Tassel Turner can transform your institution’s commencements with a suite of time-saving hassle-free solutions.

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