Graduation Management Services

Graduation Event Management

Give your students and guests an amazing experience while your staff have a stress-free one. From private affairs to auditorium stages to stadium ceremonies, Tassel Turner helps you boost turnout and manage your graduation with less prep work, less legwork, and less rework.

Maximize attendance

Fill seats at your events with total control over ticket distribution and release, ensuring everyone has an equal chance to claim limited attendance slots before granting extras.

Streamline RSVPs with a friendly process making it easy for students to register and add guests based on dynamic limits, ticket pools, grouped availability, and wait lists.

Communicate with the Audience

Let attendees know about event news, important deadlines, and ticket disbursements by sending manual or automated messages.

Target specific recipients or groups with flexible rules based on registered information. Send mass SMS text messages for urgent updates like weather warnings or ceremony emergencies.

Fast, flexible Check-ins

Accommodate check-ins with a variety of options. Scan ticket and name card badges with any compatible device, perform manual check-ins by name/code/GUID from a web console, or let guests check themselves in from ticket stations.

Ticket holders can print their tickets for the event or simply present a secure digital version on their mobile device.

Establish Time-saving Workflows

Plan a timeline around event communications, RSVP invitations, registration windows, ticket disbursements, and rules-based seating assignments.

Reduce administrative preparation and lead time down to days while automating your workflow, leaving you to focus on helping guests and making a great event experience.

Organize Event Staff

Administrators, event organizers, and venue staff can easily organize their activity around platform features like importing and exporting barcodes and guest lists, coordinating communications, and tracking registration and attendance through reports and live admin dashboards.

Register Special Requests

Customize registration forms for attendees to enter any special requests, such as service animal accommodations, dietary preferences for catered events, or student regalia and photography offers.

From online to onsite with a single integrated event platform designed for busy organizers.

Hosting any type of event

The platform supports all sorts of event calendars allowing you to setup your commencement with a seamless end-to-end experience for staff and attendees. Create unlimited events, each with separate registration, tickets, and venue location. Schedule the events for your exact calendar with support for concurrent event times, and with multi-day events allowing for ticket re-entry and consolidated tracking.

You can easily run in-person events, virtual events, or hybrid event with a dedicated online counterpart for the live ceremony. In the case of unforeseen disruptions you can easily Switch events from offline to virtual or modify the venue.

Want to know more about running events?